Journal number - 4

The Role of Family in the Process of Political Socialization

Saidzoda Sh.Sh.


Politics sciences

Specific Features of Relations and Interactions of Mass Media with Terrorism and Extremism

Yakubov J. K., Soliev Sh.Kh.


Politics sciences

Exploration of Theoretico-Methodological Grounds of International Youth Policy Realization

Ahmadzoda D.D.


Politics sciences

The Role of the State Language in the Formation of National Ideology

Tagoeva R. R.


Politics sciences

To the Issue of the Study of Indicators of Country's Involvement in Globalization Processes

Saidmurodova M.A., Kasimova D.I.


Economic sciences

Taxation Administering and Economic Development of Tajikistan

Ismailova M. M., Ismailova D. M., Ahmedova D. A.


Economic sciences

Assessment of the Contribution of Innovative Capacity into the Formation of the Gross Regional Product of Central Tajikistan

Radjabov R.K., Radjabov K.R., Nurdinov B.Kh.


Economic sciences

Methodology of Client-Orientation in the System of Service Development Concerned with Retail Trade Networks

Валеева Юлия Сергеевна


Economic sciences

Formation of Profitable Business Processes as the Basis of Organizing Management Structures (on the Example of the Port Complex of Kaliningrad Oblast)

Kramarenko I.A.


Economic sciences

Foreign Experience of Economy Development Regulation and the Conditions of its Application in the Regions of Tajikistan Republic

Khoshimov Kh. H., Samadova Z. A.


Economic sciences

Foreign Experience of Establishment of Pure Ecological Production Market: Availability of its Use in the Republic of Tajikistan

Shokirov R. S., Mahmudov M. K.


Economic sciences

Evolution of Scientific Concepts of Regulation and Stimulation of Employment of economically Active Population

Akiljonov F.Sh.


Economic sciences

Algorythm of Strategic Planning of Investitive Development Referring to the Economy of the Region

Akildjanova Sh. Y., Yuldasheva M.Yu.


Economic sciences

To the Issue Concerned with the Analysis of "Small Business" Notional Apparatus

Karimova M.M.


Economic sciences

The Role of Infrastructure Development in the Economy of Regions and Methodological Aspects of Assessment Concerned with their Provision

Sharipova Sh. Sharifzoda Gh.M.


Economic sciences

Ijtihad as a Source of Formation of Law Schools in Islam

Obidov D.S.


Law sciences

On Essence and Content of Justice under Civil Cases Considering

Ahmedov N.I.


Law sciences