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Exploration of Theoretico-Methodological Grounds of International Youth Policy Realization

Author (s)

Ahmadzoda D.D.


The article dwells on the problems beset with theoretico-methodological grounds of international youth policy and its realization in separate states. It reflects prerequisites and factors of effective development of international youth policy in the plane of overcoming the difficulties of adolescents' life, legal improvement of civil society foundations and also promotion and partnership of statal frameworks with social organizations functioning with the aim of youth policy realization. The author indicates the opportunities and modes of effectuation of international normative-legal instruments pertaining to youth policy in the context of TR. She proposes a versatile study of the experience of the regional countries with its further application in the international policy of Tajikistan. The given measure acquires great importance by organization of combat versus antistate ideological calls and prevention from youth's joining to non-desirable political movements.


youth, youth policy, international youth policy, integrational processes, social-political questions, international relations, Tajikistan


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Publication date

Wednesday, 22 January 2020