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To the Issue of the Study of Indicators of Country's Involvement in Globalization Processes

Author (s)

Saidmurodova M.A., Kasimova D.I.


The main indicators characterizing the level of involvement of national economies in the process of globalization are considered, and on this basis the impact of globalization processes on the economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan is determined. Conceptualization and analysis of the impact of globalization indicators on the socio-economic state of the country are carried out. The article considers the following indicators that are mostly affected by globalization: volume of import and export in GDP, their growth rates, structure of outward trade circulation, content of foreign trade, volume and dynamics of direct foreign investments, their share in GDP and in total investments. On the basis of the study of factual data and globalization of theoretical views, relevant conclusions and proposals are summarized being adequate to the conditions of Tajikistan, connected with deepening of globalization process.


direct foreign investments, import, export, globalization process, outward trade circulation, integration


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 January 2020