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Methodology of Client-Orientation in the System of Service Development Concerned with Retail Trade Networks

Author (s)

Валеева Юлия Сергеевна


The article dwells on the methodology of client-orientation research for a provision of the services of consumers' value in the sphere of retail trade networks. There are designated four evolutionary stages of client-orientation theory development which has been forming since the XVIII-th century. Proceeding from the analysis of foreign and home conceptions, the author singles out three groups of orientations: those ones beset with market and client and an orientation inclined for being near to a client. It is established that client orientation is an important instrument for a valuable development of trade services as it affords to work out unique proposals for a consumer, elaborate corresponding business-processes related to trade services and organizational culture of a trade outfit. There are singled out the basic levels of client-orientation: individual level - that one for one's own officers; organizational level - client-orientation on the part of organization; interproprietary level - client-orientation on the part of the chain concerned with creation of values. The author elicits economic and social values of trade services oriented on a consumer being indicators of trade services development.


theory of client-orientation, evolutionary stages, basic levels of client-orientation, development, services of retail trade networks


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 January 2020