1.               The articles entered are considered by «Bulletin of TSU LBP» editorial board during a month.

2.               Scientific articles entered to «Bulletin of TSU LBP» editorial board are subject to compulsory reviewing.

3.               Stages of reviewing:

1.     At the first stage reviewing envisages:

- ascertainment of article`s correspondence to the type of the journal and its thematic rubriques;

 - correspondence to framing requirements;

 - determination of scientific style the material is expounded in;

 - availability of statistical data‚ tables‚ diagrams‚ drawings confirming the results of the research conducted.

2.     If the requirements presented in paragraph 3.1. are observed the contents of the article are reviewed. The article is referred to an expert of respective aspect who determines:

- correspondence between the contents and the theme formulated in the title;

- actualness of the problem dwelt on;

- scientific novelty of the provisions contained in the article;

 - theoretical and applied importance of the provisions contained in the article.

4.           A reviewer sends a review containing recommendations for publications to the editorial board in the course of 15 days.

5.           If alterations are needed a reviewer points which ones should be introduced into an article by an author.

6.           In case of a negative reference a reviewer must submit motivated grounds for refusal in publication to the author of the article.

7.           A review is framed in the printed term and on an electronic carrier‚ it should be signed by a reviewer and certified with the stamp of the institution the reviewer works in.

8.           Originals of reviews are kept at the editorial office of the «Bulletin of TSU LBP».

9.           The editorial board is authorized with the right of scientific and literary recension of the materials entered.

10.      After a month elapse the editorial board notifies the author about the results of recension and the terms of publication of the article.


The editorial board provides an author with a free-of-charge copy of the journal containing the published article.