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Assessment of the Contribution of Innovative Capacity into the Formation of the Gross Regional Product of Central Tajikistan

Author (s)

Radjabov R.K., Radjabov K.R., Nurdinov B.Kh.


The article considers the formation of an innovative economy in the context of the formation of the gross regional product, proposes a block diagram of a methodology for assessing the contribution of the regional innovation potential to the formation of the gross regional product, and constructs the Cobb – Douglas production function using the Excel software environment. An expert assessment was made in  reference to the influence of qualitative factors on the formation of the GRP of the Central region. Based on expert assessment, the influence of the contribution of factors external to the economy of the region was revealed: regional infrastructure; administrative resource of local government of the region; regional innovative potential and other quality factors which swayed over the formation of the gross regional product of the Central region of Tajikistan Republic. Calculations were carried out to forecast the gross regional product according to the standard program for the period until 2030. It has been established that the innovative potential has a definite positive effect on the formation of the gross regional product of the Central region, but its growth opportunities are limited. Therefore, it is advisable to modernize the regional policy of the formation and use of innovative potential.


contribution, innovative  economy, innovative potential, gross regional product, Cobb – Douglas function, expert survey, GRP prognostication


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 January 2020