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To the Issue Concerned with the Analysis of "Small Business" Notional Apparatus

Author (s)

Karimova M.M.


The article dwells on "Small Business" National Apparatus. It is marked that a small outfit as a form of small entrepreneurship development has being been proceeded to be explored both in theoretical and applied aspect that results in absence of unified opinion on the question of determination of "small entrepreneurship" notion. The author concludes that a subject of small entrepreneurship as a unit of economy running caters for the following conditions: no large market share, management being carried out by an owner, it is independent organization. It is noted that development standard of small business is determined by a share of its produce in GDP and a quantum of economically active population employed at minor enterprises. The author points to the necessity of creation of conditions on the part of the state for financial sustainability of small enterprises, tax provileges and financial support inclusive.  


small entrepreneurship, small business, big business, summary balance, subject of entrepreneurship, financial and human resources


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 January 2020