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Evolution of Scientific Concepts of Regulation and Stimulation of Employment of economically Active Population

Author (s)

Akiljonov F.Sh.


The evolution of scientific concepts of regulation and stimulation of employment of economically active population in the process of development of economic ideas is considered. It is noted that industrialization of economy and expansion of capitalist forms of economy running, led to an emergence of new forms of labor relations. As a result, mental and physical abilities of a person expressed by his labor skills began to act as a specific product whose buyers were entrepreneurs. One of the first scientists of economics who investigated the relationship between labor productivity and capital is  A. Smith who is rightly considered to be such. The evolution of economics views in the XIX-th and the XX-th centuries undoubtedly made its adjustments into the theory of employment. In the 30s of the twentieth century in the countries with market economies there appeared management with personnel within companies. It is underscored that from the economic point of view, labor is considered as an element or a resource of production. In the past few decades the ways and methods of regulating and stimulating the employment of economically active people, both by the state and the company, have undergone strong changes.


scientific concept, regulation of employment, stimulation of employment, personnel management, labor resources, wages


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 January 2020