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Author (s)

Umedov K.M.


The objective of the work is to disclose the content of juridical technology. The goal: consideration of scholars` theoretical views concerning the notion of “juridical technology” and correlation between juridical technology and juridical technique. Problematics of juridical technology in jurisprudence is discussable, it remains open up to the present time; the actualness of the theme selected being preconditioned by this factor. The main position of the work is determined by two theses; juridical activity are laid into the basis:

- all scientific knowledge about juridical technology is that one dealing with juridical technology, but the latter is not limited with this knowledge;

- juridical technique is a sum of means of juridical technology.

Juridical technology is presented as an object. The author of the article resorts to hermeneutical approach which will afford to comprehend the gyst of juridical technology and properly interpret it. He uses also an analytical method consisting of an integrity summarizing private methods of research: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction and deduction. By means of a formal-juridical method there are formed such factors as inner structure, signs and properties of the system and subsystems of legal (juridical) technology. Strategy and tactics will be built by dint of a logical method. Inference: the notion of “juridical technology” is much broader than the one of “juridical technique”. For today scientists have not worked out any unified position as to the problematics of definition of the notion of “juridical technology”. Theoretical, practical and didactic results are expounded in the given article.


juridicalactivity, juridical technology, legal strategy, legal tactics, methods, means (legal technique)


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Publication date

Tuesday, 16 November 2021