The author dwells on the problem of political socialization and elevation of political literacy of citizens. It is underscored that political socialization is one of the effective ways of democracy development, civil society formation, restrainment of youth from joining religious-radical organizations. The ways of elevation of political vigilance and the reasons of political estrangement of young people are canvassed as well. The author expresses the opinion that alongside with other forms of upbringing the one of political thinking promotes an elevation of population’s political literacy. Grave influence over political thinking upbringing is exerted by a development of political socialization institutes, teaching of political sciences, watching of political programmes, awareness of home state events and those of foreign political ones, participation in political campaigns, constructive political position; all the enumerated telling upon the development of society’s democratic system.
political socialization, political literacy, democratic system of a state, political upbringing of citizens, political vigilance
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