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Механизмы государственного управления рынком труда и миграцией населения в условиях рыночной экономики

Author (s)

Abdullayeva Adolatjohn Tolibjohnovna


The author analyzes the contemporary state of labour market in Tajikistan Republic from the point of view of tendencies and problems concerned with labour  force migration from the country abroad. She has determined optimal ways of state regulation concerned with labour  force migration; state migration policy being considered as well. It is marked that migrants’ labour market is to the least extent subjected to the affect of state instruments and to the largest extent it is regulated with market mechanisms; that being preconditioned with its conformation at the expense of attraction of the resources of two states. In this connection for mostly effective statal affect it is necessary  to form migration policy in the way that wouldn’t contradict objective processes going on  at migrants’ labour market. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary not simply to coordinate migration policy with states-partners, but  to form unified  migration policy for all states with common migrants labour market. 


migration policy, labour migration, state regulation, migrants’ labour market, demand for labour and its supply, mechanism of labour migration regulation 


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Publication date

Friday, 01 December 2017