In her article the author considers the theoretical analysis dealing with the notions of «competence» and «capacity» and expounds her position on this corpus of study. The principal differences and similarities of both competence and capacity are analyzed. In the course of the research Tuning`s methodology beset with the definition of «competence» and «capacity» is canvassed against the following backgrounds: materials of round tables, workshops, results of conducted consultations / questionnaires among employers, graduates, teachers and students as well. The material explored afforded us to make conclusions and propose the author`s approach towards the definition of both «competence» and «capacity». Thus, «competence» should be understood as concrete notion abilities acquired by an individual in the process of learning under environmental sway, capabilities of general, professional and special character which are necessary to implement certain types of activities. Capacity can be interpreted as an integrated expression related to individual's ability for performing professional activities on the grounds of the formed complex requirements. Within the framework of the conducted research the author offers a model of competence formation targeted at higher school graduates
higher school, graduates, labour market, competence, capacity, competence approach, interaction, model of competence formation
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