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Socio-Economic Importance of Public Catering Sphere in Market Economy Development

Author (s)

Aliyev Abdurakhim Rakhmonovich


The article dwells on socio-economics issues concerned with a public catering sphere; classificational groups in the system of market economy being taken as a starting point. The author gives complete characteristics in regard to the essence of public catering as a branch of economy and to the activities of economy subjects, he presents the latters’ classification aimed at a determination of the peculiarities of each branch and an ascertainment of its significance in market economy development. The structural activity of public catering enterprises is identified; their specific peculiarities, goals and functions under the conditions of market economy development being formulated. Socio-economic importance of the enterprises in question in market economy development is underscored. The suggestions worked out in the course of the analysis of the evolution of public catering enterprises under market economy conditions enable to determine their share at the consumer market.


socio-economic importance, public catering enterprises, classification, functions, peculiarities, structural activity, market economy


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Publication date

Monday, 22 April 2019

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