The article reveals the content of the category “quality of life”, defines the role of the social sphere in improving people’s living standards, identifies the role of budget funds in financing this area, and suggests directions for improving budget financing of socio-cultural events. It is noted that a socially oriented market economy also implies an increased role of the state in the development of sectors of the social sphere. The need to intensify state regulation of the development of this area is evidenced by its current state, in particular: financing of non-profit industries on a “residual” principle; low quality of social services provided free of charge; uncontrolled replacement of free services with paid ones; increasing regional and social inequality in the provision of the population with services from social sectors. As a consequence of these phenomena, the current level of activity of institutions providing social services to the population (schools, hospitals, theaters, etc.) does not meet the needs for these services, necessitating an increase in the number of social institutions and modernization of their infrastructure. All this requires an increase in the flow of financial resources for the necessary purposes.
quality of life, social sphere, social-cultural actions, budget financing, social services
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