ThearticleanalyzesthestateofthelegislationoftheRepublicofTajikistaninconnectionwiththeproblemofapplyingforeignlaw. Taking into account the adoption of the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, the principles of application of foreign law in the Republic of Tajikistan are considered. It is indicated that in the new conditions the application of foreign law is not only theoretical, but also of great practical importance. Currently, the number of cases related to problems of foreign law, considered not only by arbitration courts, but also by economic courts and courts of general jurisdiction, is increasing, which makes it relevant to consider a set of issues related to the application of foreign law in private international law. At the end of the analysis, it is stated that various legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan provide for heterogeneous norms and bases for the implementation of foreign law, and although this is satisfactory from the point of view of the number and presence of these basis, but from the point of view of various forms of establishing foreign law, such a provision can be attributed to shortcomings.
:norms of foreign law, court, enforcement of law, international private law, civil code, arbitration, economical process, collision
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