The article highlights the activities of Semyon Ivanovich Aralov as the plenipotentiary representative of Soviet Russia in Turkey and presents his memories of working with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. S.I. Aralov and M.K. Atatürk regularly communicated with each other throughout Aralov’s work in Turkey. October 29, 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Today in Turkey the attitude towards M.K. Ataturk is ambiguous. But there are undeniable merits of Mustafa Kemal, including in building relations with Soviet Russia, largely thanks to which Turkey today occupies its own place on the political map of the world. The article is based on documentary sources. Including “Memoirs of a Soviet Diplomat” by S.I. Aralov (1960), works by M.V. Frunze (1929) and notes by M.K. Ataturk. The events of a century ago are an essential and integral part of the national history of Turkey and Russia, which determined the economic, scientific and cultural development of our countries for decades.
Soviet Russia, Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Semyon Ivanovich Aralov, Mikhail Vasilevich Frunze
1. Aralov S.I. Memoirs of a Soviet Diplomat. – Moscow, 1960. – 222 pp.
2. Diplomatic Dictionary. In three volumes. – Moscow, 1985-1986. Volume I. – 424 pp.; v. II. – 503 pp.; v. III. – 751 pp.
3. Documents of Foreign Policy of USSR. – Moscow, 1960. V. IV. – 836 pp.; 1961. V. V. – 807 pp.
4. Mustafa Kemal. Road of a New Turkey. V.1 NKID, 1929. – Moscow: Sotseksiz, 1934. – 480 pp., V . II.1932 year. – 416 pp., V. III.1934 year. – 460 pp., V.IV. 1934. – 570 pp.
Frunze M.V. Soch. V.1. – Moscow, 1929. – 692 pp.