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Obidov D.S., Javharova M.М.


The article reveals the historical and legal features of the birth of a secular state, the role of human and other factors, especially religion, in the formation of the ideas of secular statehood. It primarily focuses on the anthropological and psychological features of the human personality, in which the qualities of immutability and dynamism have been incorporated since ancient times. The idea about the specifics of the origin of the ideas of secular statehood in the East and in the West is substantiated due to the difference between people of the Eastern and Western types. The legal feature and theoretical definition of a secular state is given.  The paper also shows its significance and role in ensuring stability as well as the realization of human rights and freedoms. The place of the secular state is defined at the present stage of the development of human society. The paper also sheds light upon the main factors identifying the originality of the development of the secular state in a particular country.


secular state, religion, psychology, Eastern, Western, stability of rights and freedom supply, man and citizen


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Publication date

Thursday, 04 May 2023