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Marufov F.K.


ThearticleexaminestheexportpotentialoftheSoghdregion. It is substantiated that for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan and its regions, it is important to increase the competitiveness of domestic goods, especially export-oriented products. In order to determine the state of use of the export potential of the Soghd region, an important indicator – the foreign trade quota – was assessed on the basis of official statistical data. It has been established that the foreign trade quota of the Soghd region is higher than that of other regions of the republic. Also, in order to qualitatively assess the export potential of the Soghd region, the following were analyzed: the import coverage ratio by exports, the net export quota and the international competitiveness coefficient, and it was also determined that the high level of the foreign trade quota of the Soghd region is due to the high level of imports from the region. It is substantiated that to improve the export potential of the Soghd region, it is important to institutionally improve the management of its foreign economic activities and present theoretical and practical recommendations.


export potential, development of export-oriented production, foreign economic relations, national economy, exporting enterprises, export commodities, export potential model, economic development indicators


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Publication date

Friday, 12 January 2024