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Saidova Malika Abdurasulovna


The issue of multi-party system under modern conditions is considered. It is noted that the multi-party system in countries with different regimes will be established in its own way, and its formation and development are ones of the important signs of effectiveness of the political system of society strengthening democratic institutions of the state, ensuring rights and freedoms of citizens. The author believes that relations between political parties are established within the party system of a particular country with participation of all other parties. Political parties change a shaping of political processes and increase the opportunities for citizens to influence political power. Their activities contribute to the development of civil society institutions. The author associates an emergence of political parties with formation of new social classes, as well as with an institution of a representative government. These factors contributed to the formation of the first mass political parties as independent entities. It is believed that formation of political parties is associated with the processes of modernization, formation of national states, development of civil society institutions. Political parties, as representatives of political and social interests and demands of the people, unite on the basis of ideology and pursue the goal of acquiring state power in order to protect the interests and realize the demands of a certain group.


Key words: party, multi-party system, political power, political interests, social groups, party program, party coalition, public opinion


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Publication date

Monday, 12 December 2022