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Soliev Sharofiddin Kholovich


This article explores the ways of strengthening the spirit of intolerance towards corruption in contemporary Tajikistan. It is indicated that due to the growing of intolerance to corruption among various groups of the population, especially teenagers and adolescents, emergences of corruption will gradually decrease, and its level in society will be diminishing. The author draws attention to the importance of educating a new generation of politicians, entrepreneurs, civil society activists and the general public in the spirit of intolerance to corruption. Widespread perception of corruption as a negative phenomenon, development of value orientations in the country, firm and comprehensive will to combat versus corruption, formation of public resistance to corruption,  comprehensive study of the psychological factors of corruption and cultivation of the spirit of responsibility. All they are considered as important prerequisites for development of intolerance towards corruption. The author considers it necessary to prevent potentialities of a conflict beset with intolerance to corruption and find a peaceful mechanism for its implementation.


Key words: corruption, intolerance, resistance, society, civil society, honesty, values, responsibility, behavior


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Publication date

Wednesday, 14 September 2022