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Khoshimova Nargisa Abdujabborovna


The article is devoted to the study of obstacles to the formation of civil society and the factors of its strengthening in the Republic of Tajikistan. It is noted that Tajikistan is on the path of building a democratic legal state and democratization of society in the country is closely related to the formation and development of civil society. The country has formed a legal and regulatory framework for civil society, the number of non-governmental organizations have been increased, including public, professional, creative, religious, women's and youth’s, as well as political parties that actively participate in political, social and economic life. However, in this area there are gaps and shortcomings that impede the harmonious development of civil society. From the author's point of view, the historical path of the state and society, lack of experience of statal and democratic statehood, low level of public activity, socio-economic situation in the country, inadequate  financial support of civil society are recognized as obstacles to the development of civil society in Tajikistan.


Key words: civil society, historical experience, psychological factor, bureaucracy, corruption, socio-economic situation, financial security


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Publication date

Tuesday, 13 December 2022