The foreign policy priorities of Tajikistan under modern conditions are analyzed. It is noted that the priorities of Tajikistan's foreign policy are not static and may change depending on the time and conditions of the country's development and international relations. Prioritization in foreign policy is determined by economic factors, state of internal development, peculiarities of the development of international relations, implementation of various state projects, civilizational factor, self-defense from external threats, condition of the state in international level and etc. The author identifies permanent and contextual-situational priorities in foreign policy. Ensuring security of the country and maintaining its stability on the international arena, strengthening foreign policy institutions, turning Tajikistan into an export country, developing economic relations with other international actors and attracting foreign investments, turning Tajikistan into a transit country, peaceful relations with neighboring countries, promoting a positive image of the country on international level, preventing disappearance of the country's glaciers and domesticating the experience of other countries are seen as important foreign policy priorities.
Key words: priorities, foreign policy, geopolitical development, bilateral and multilateral relations, international level actors, national interests, foreign policy instituties
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