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Rizokulov T.R., Abdulloeva A.T.


The article dwells on the trends in the changes of demographic indicators of development in Tajikistan Republic economy. The state and contents of demographic phenomena in the context of forming circumstances in regard to the country’s economy development have been canvassed in particular, the following  items have been analyzed: structure of population and labour resources; indices of birth rate, migration, urbanization, employment, reproductive behavior of population and others. The authors have determined the role of labour migration with taking into account the reforms realized in the system of economy and politics. They studied some social-demographic factors swaying over birth rate, death rate and external migration of population at the current stage of country’s development. The questions concerned with a number of moments being of importance are analyzed: co-efficiences of birth and death rates, natural accretion, life continuity under modern conditions in Tajikistan. There are considered such sides of the present time which are connected with affection of education level, labour qualification, employment upon demographic indications and birth rate into the bargain. In the frames of given approach there is determined the role of national traditions and customs in so far as demography is concerned. Connection between incomes and birth rate is marked. A necessity of reconsidering certain theoretical and practical aspects of demographic politics is well-grounded.


 numerosity of population, labour resources, birth rate, migration, birth rate co-efficiency, employment in economy, life continuity, reproductive behavior of population


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Publication date

Saturday, 18 March 2023