The article illustrates the institutional changes that have
occurred in the agricultural sector of economy, which, according
to the author, did not provide the desired effect in the development
of the chosen model of national economy. Under these conditions,
there arose some ineffective institutions which caused an
emergence of institutional traps in the agrarian sector of economy
which resulted into disintegration in agro-industrial production
and, in general, into disintegration of the national economy.
In order to prevent such a state of institutional interaction the
author suggests our improving the management with institutional factors.
The management with institutional factors presupposes,
first of all, their identification and assessment of the degree
of their influence on the development of economic relations.
On this basis the author identifies the main institutional
factors influencing the development of the agrarian industry
which would promote an acceleration of the implementation of
the strategy of accelerated industrialization in the republic. At
the end of the article the author proposes directions for improving
the institutional environment of the agroindustrial sector of the
national economy.
institution, institutional factors, institutional "trap",
agrarian sector, industrial-agrarian economy
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