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Shukurov F.M.


The article dwells on the issue dealing with a definition of the notion and nature of arbitration tribunals. It is noted that for the latest time such issues as problematics of legal status of arbitration tribunals, sphere of authorization of the latters for certain actions, aftermath of adoption of resolutions by the bodies in question have been a subject of scientific arguments. Analyzing the opinions of home and foreign scientists the author of the article elicits the specificities of legal regulation in reference to the activities of arbitration tribunals, he determines the system of Tajikistan Republic national legislation in the sphere under consideration and moves out the ways of its improvement. The analysis of national legislation affords to make a number of inferences. In particular, arbitration tribunals are defined as an alternative form of settlement as to civil-legal economic controversies and they may be presented in two variants: permanently functioning arbitration tribunals and those ones formed for a concrete single case. Arbitration tribunals enable litigant parties to settle emerging arguments self-sufficiently, in a free manner, and choose natural connection with each other or one another.


arbitration tribunal, constantly functioning court, trial, controversies in regard to economy, civil controversies, alternative form, settlement of arguments


1.        Alizoda Zarif et alia. Commentaries to Tajikistan Republic Law “Arbitration Tribunals”. - Dushanbe: 2011. - 164 pp.

2.        Boltuev S.Sh. Civil Trial. General part. - Khujand: Publisher, 2019. – 384 pp.

3.        Zabegailo S.G. Interaction between Arbitration Tribunals and Common Jurisdiction // Bulletin of Omsk University. Series “Law”. - 2010. № 2 (23). - pp. 122 - 133.

4.        Letuta T.V. Concept, Legal Nature of Arbitration Tribunals // Bulletin of Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin. – 2016, № 10. - pp. 76 - 83.

5.        Kasa I.R. To the Issue of Authorization of Arbitration Tribunals for certain Actions // Education and Law. Juridical Sciences. – 2017, № 12. - pp. 127 - 133.

6.        Tajikistan Republic Law “On Arbitration Tribunals” // Bulletin of Tajikistan Republic Majlis Oli (Supreme Council), 2008, No. 1, Part 2, article 10, TR Law from 03.07.12, № 862.

7.        Prokhorenko V.V. Arbitration Tribunals in Russia // http://www.auditirium.ru/boors. (Date of appeal: 12.05.2021).

Publication date

Tuesday, 16 November 2021