The authors have conducted a comparative-legal analysis of criminal responsibility for sabotage in conformity with the criminal legislations of Tajikistan and Ukraine on the object of crime. In modern criminal law the method of criminal jurisprudence has become one of leading and universal in the system of a methodological base of scientific research. According to the Criminal Code of Ukraine a generic and specific object of sabotage is national security of the country, but TR CC has distinctions as there are public relations in the sphere of state power being a generic object and a specific object is state security. It is well-grounded that TR CC practice is more correct as the notion “national security” has a wide meaning and in general it can become a generic object of the entire corpus delicti according to Especial part of Ukraine Criminal Code. As a result, taking into account some positive items of article 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine a new version of article 309 of TR CC is proposed.
securityof state, object; threat tonational security, state defense capability; economic security
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