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Concept and Classification of Warranties for State Officials in the Republic of Tajikistan

Author (s)

Bоbоev Dilshod Rakhimdjohnovich


The concept and classification of the civil officials guarantees in the Republic of Tajikistan are examined in the article. The role of guarantees as one of the key elements of legal status of civil officials has been proven. The positions of domestic and Russian scientists concerned with the guarantees ensured by state, as well as the situation of normative-legal acts with respective provisions of functioning are analyzed. Public employees` warranties concepts as a multifaceted category are shown. Various classifications of warranties at state service are offered. On the basis of the provisions related to Law №233 from March 5 2007, “On State Service” classification of Republic state officials`  warranties in Tajikistan Republic is elaborated. The author proposes to work out normative-legal instruments on stimulation of state officials with taking account modern tasks and conditions in regard to state service functioning in Tajikistan Republic.


Tajikistan Republic, guarantees at state service, state officials` warrants, state official`s legal status, classification of state officials` warrants, respective normative-legal instrument


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Publication date

Thursday, 23 April 2020