The article reviews households as an integral part of the economic system of the region. Their role in the formation of food market has been revealed and the place they occupy in the system of social production as a structural element of resources products and incomes making up a circulation model is determined; the latter interacts with enterprising firms and state bodies of governance. Their important role in rationalization of volume and structure of food consumption has been elicited. It is determined that location of households and the number of family members have a different impact on the development of regional food market. The structure of monetary expenditures is analyzed and a high proportion of food purchases in urban families is determined contrasting with rural ones where products coming from their personal subsidiary farming prevail. A special place in the article is devoted to consideration of the concept of conjuncture which depends on ratio of supply and demand, describes its various levels, as well as the sources of formation of monetary incomes and expenditures of population.
households, family economy, market, demand, supply, family budget, incomes, expenditures
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