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On the Sphere of Non-Earmarked Usage of Some Institutes (Laws)

Author (s)

Mirzoyev Abdurakhmon Negmatovich


The article dwells on the process of an institutional reform being of paramount importance under any reorganizations. It is underscored that the most important problem is a formation of a system of legislation and sound social space (as a principal social-economic goal of a state). The author of the article has conducted an analysis of laws and norms containing the notion of “institute” and given the latter`s assessment as a ground for a development of social-economic life of the country. He proposes recommendations in concordance with which institutional reforms must take into consideration local conditions and peculiarities, a threat of non-earmarked application of institutes inclusive.


reform, institute, transactional expenditures, social and group interests, social capital, informational asymmetry.


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Publication date

Tuesday, 05 November 2019