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The Place and Role of Diplomacy in the Formation of State’s International Image

Author (s)

Barotov Isroil Ibrohimovich


The article analyzes specific features referring to formation of an international image of state in the frameworks of diplomatic forms and methods. According to the author`s opinion, the place and role of diplomacy in forming a positive image of the state is very great. However, the development of the country is directly dependent on the international image of the state. Therefore, each state, in the process of implementing foreign policy, using existing opportunities, pays special attention to a formation of its international image. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a central foreign state apparatus should develop and use specific diplomatic technologies in the context of formation of the international image of the state at regional and global levels. The process of implementing foreign policy course of the state with various diplomatic methods is one of the most effective technologies for shaping the state’s image in international relations. Ultimately, evolutionary emergence (genesis) and formation of an international image of each state are reflected in the first foreign policy steps at the international arena.


diplomacy, foreign policy, international image of state, international relations, world politics


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Publication date

Saturday, 31 August 2019