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Problems and Ways of Improving Parliamentarizm in the Kyrgyz Republic

Author (s)

Shabolotov Tazhimamat Taygarayevich, Ivanov Spartak Gennadiyevich


The presented article analyzes the problems and ways to improve the organization and activities of the Jogorku Kenesh as the supreme body of representative democracy in Kyrgyzstan. The national specifics and systemic causes of the problems of interaction between the elected branches of power of the Kyrgyz Republic have been revealed. Theevaluation of the activity of six convocations of Kyrgyzstan Parliament is given. The grounds for necessary constitutional and unconstitutional interference of the President in the processes of interaction between the representative and executive branches of power, in lawmaking, etc. are elicited. The proposals on a further evolution of the Parliament of the Republic are systematized consisting in return to majorital-proportional electoral system and bicameral parliament, to alteration of the principle of forming party lists and imparting the Jogorku Kenesh full "supremacy". Proceeding from the analysis of Parliament work practice pursued by previous convocations, the author came to the conclusion that a change of electoral system as well as an opening of the second chamber are void of any perspective. Using the method of exclusion and expert assessments afforded to suppose that a change in the principle of forming party lists is most consistent with a broad public consensus on the problems of development of parliamentarism in Kyrgyzstan.


Kyrgyz Republic, Jogorku Kenesh, Parliament, President, problems, prospects, ways of improvement


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Publication date

Tuesday, 08 May 2018