The author analyzed the peculiarities of formation and development of the forensic tunnel referring to malikit law school; the place and role of school founder, imam Malik ibn Anas, his pupils and successors in the development of its legal doctrine and forensic tenet being considered as well. The author has explored the system of basic and additional legal sources, the basic principles of malikit law school dealing with the legal and forensic doctrines; he subjects to comprehension the characteristic features of the tenet touching upon the questions of forensic power, justice forensic legitimateness, and just judging. The author singles out especially the tenet of malikism on the essence and nature of judging, requirements envisaged for a candidate challenging for the position of a judge, ethics of judging, order of organization and conducting of trials, forensic provable originals. He subjects to comprehension the malikit forensic doctrine when commenting on transformation of Islamic classical principles of forensic justice in the process of judging.
Islamic law school, malikism, forensic tenet, forensic power, ethics of judging, justice, just judging, forensic proofs
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