The issue concerned with the tenet of fakikhs- Khanafite scientists-jurists of Maverannakhr referring to the IX-th – XII-th centuries - is investigated by the author. Forensic power in the aspect of correlation with the process of rising and development of Maverannakhr school of Khanafite fakikhs is given an especial meaning. The author makes an endeavour to comprehend the place and professional personality of Maverannakhr fakikhs, in particular. He canvasses the problems associated with a disclosure of the essence of the forensic tenet related to Khanafite fakikhs of Maverannakhr within the frameworks of their specific theories of the following notions: importance and necessity of judging (kazo), principal conditions envisaged in reference to a claimant for a Kazi position, qualitative patterns belonging to a kazi. Particular attention is paid to the period of the IX-th – the XII-th centuries which - beginning with the epoch of rising and developmentof primary national statal formation of Tajiks being Takhirids, Saffarids and Samanids - are considered to be the time of development and improvement of Maverannakhr school of Khanafite fakikhs and its tenet referring to forensic power. The author has studied the practice of Kaziys` activities of the IX-th – the XII-th centuries and conducted the analysis of certain great problems determined by fakikhs which existed in forensic practice of Maverannakhr Kaziys of that period as well. Inferences on actual significance of the tenet in question are substantiated at the contemporary stage.
Islam, law school, Khanafism, fakikhs of Maverannakhr, (kazo) kaziy, tenet referring to justice
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