The article dwells on the problems of providing public and municipal services in Russia. The authors analyze the notion of "public and municipal service". They adduce the examples of legal regulation in reference to public and municipal services in the RF. They consider the notions of administrative reform and administrative regulation and disclose their meanings. The results of inculcation of administrative regulation of municipal services are exposed in the article. An emphasis is laid on efficient interaction between authorities and consumers of services. Characteristics of public services and the process of their rendering are described. The significance of the standard of public services for municipal management is analyzed.
municipal management, administrative reform, administrative regulations, authority, state, service, standards, Russian Federation.
1. Federal Law "On Organization of Rendering Public and Municipal Services" from 27.07.2010, -#. 210-FZ (functioning recension, 2016)
2. Barabashev A. G., Klimenko A. B. Administrative Reform and State Service Reform in Russia - Issues of Implementation and Coordination. – M.: RAGS, 2010. – 98 pp.
3. Resolution of RF Government from May16, 2011 -# 373 "On Elaboration and Approval of Administrative Regulations of Execution of State Functions and Administrative Regulations Concerned with Rendering Public Services" (with alterations and addenda) «GUARNTEE» System: (date of request: 22.11.2016).