Monetary-crediting policy in the transitive economy of Tajikistan Republic is one of the mighty instruments aimed at macro-economic regulation, on which the volume of monetary supply in the country depends. Application of tough monetary policy for restraining inflation in the country may negatively sway over the development of all branches, especially, over the productive sector of economy development. By means of calculations and application of economic-mathematic analysis the author proves that using the policy of «cheap» money one can gravely influence the dividends obtained from resources invested for a certain period. While realizing the monetary policy the National Bank of Tajikistan ought to apply an adequate increase of monetary mass in accordance with GDP growth. The development of the regional sector of economy will depend on the degree of how skillfully the National Bank of Tajikistan resorts to this instrument.
banking liquidity, reserve requirements, monetary-crediting policy of the National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT), policy of «cheap» money, mathematical analysis, period of recovery of investitures, financial market of Tajikistan Republic
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