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Economic Functions of Households and Their Content Characteristic

Author (s)

Akhmedova Mukaddaskhon Abdukhamidovna


The author conducts an analysis of economic functions of households and effectiveness of their realization under the conditions of Tajikistan Republic transformational economy. One of the objectives of the article is an elicidation of the mostly significant  functions of households  acting as a peculiar protective mechanism. She analyzes the conditions of realization of those or other functions and also the situations when other functions are realized for ensurance of their own survival if certain functions of households are beset with difficulties in regard to realization. In the course of analysis it was ascertained that some functions of households not only afford them to retain relative stability in the period of crisis, but allow to consider a household under these conditions as a source of resources for stabilization of economy either. On this basis a conclusion is made that it is necessary to stimulate certain functions of households in Tajikistan Republic with the aim of creating conditions for their further economic development.    


savings of households, consuming behavior of households, investitive behavior of households, investments, distribution of incomes,  forms of household savings, investitive policy


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Publication date

Tuesday, 27 February 2018