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Inculcation of Informational-Calculative Technologies as a Basis for the Development of Housing and Utilities System

Author (s)

Rakhimova Markhabo Abdusamadovna


The author`s research is aimed at modernization of infrastructure and evaluation of innovational functioning in reference to housing utilities sector in the frames of its reformation with subsequent efficiency of its activities in the period of market economy. A certain part of outfits pertaining to different state sectors falls much behind market transformation; adoption of solutions on transformation and inculcation of progressive technologies promotes high tempos of their development. Special attention is paid to the processes helping analyze, prognosticate, plan a development of housing and utilities by means of creating a unified urban automatized system of billing and treatment of HaU data. An important function of an automatized system consists of such potentialities as operative-analytical treatment of data, timely composition of accounting reports on collection of payments and backlogs of liabilities and etc.

The author dwells also on such issues as: goals, objectives and functional obligations of the system requiring a solution of a number of problems beset with individual realization of the system for each city and town; necessity of optimal model formation, treatment of informational and financial streams, implementation of adaptation in reference to existing automatized programmes of communal enterprises and their transformation. The author suggests a mecha­nism of a unified automatized system being engrafted for subsequent functioning; the system being presented with a model of the communal enterprise called «The Calculative Centre».


unified automatized system, communal enterprises, housing and utilities system, calculative centre, billing, collection of payment, urban database, transference of resources, reception unit, service deliverers 


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Publication date

Tuesday, 26 April 2016