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Neoclassical Theory of Rational Behaviour and its Narrow-Mindedness

Author (s)

Azimov Abdumavlon Djalilovich


The article dwells on the neoclassical theory of rational behavior and its narrow-mindedness in the migration process, classical argument in seven assertions and the status of legal migrants  as well. Liberal and neo-liberal economic theories by depth of systematic reproduction and dialectical logic are significantly superior to the new institutional theory. In practice the role of state is of significant value in the development of economy. The provision of a mainstream is the fact that a market economy agent has a rational behavior, it means that when selecting a type of activity a person of market economy is rational which implies constant striving for personal gain provided complete market information is available. Transaction costs per a unit of product increase a productivity of the role of a specialized institution in this context.


institutional economics, neoclassical theory, monetarism, emigration, temporary labor migration, migratory behavior, migration policy


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Publication date

Tuesday, 26 April 2016