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Some Factors and Problems Concerned with Insurance of Regional Economic Competitiveness

Author (s)

Rajaboy Akhmadzoda


The author of the article explores both positive and negative factors concerned with a provision of regional economy competitiveness in Tajikistan Republic. Proceeding from systemic analysis, he brings to the surface a number of factors exercising influence over the state of regional economy competitiveness. He systematizes the basic streamlines of the issue in question. The main role in the solution of the problem is played by the state, that being the formulated inference. Proceeding from the analysis of the problems brought to the surface the author speaks about an urgency in regard to elaboration and adoption of a special state programme in this direction.


regional economy, competitiveness, factors of competitiveness, market relations, resourcive potential of the region 


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Publication date

Monday, 16 January 2017