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The Period between the Abolishment of Caliphate and the second World War: Press as a Catalyst Development of Moslemic Reformation Movement (1923 - 1939)

Author (s)

Dodkhudoyeva Lola Nazarovna


The article dwells on the problem dealing with the press sway over the Muslim world in the process of the formation of Islamic reformation movement in one of the most significant period for the world`s history referring to the time of Caliphate`s abolition before the Second World War. The author considers the colossal shift in the comprehension and interpretation of the problems related to confessional disengagement, civilizational community and emergence of new concepts ("nation", "progress", "Homeland") as a result of the diversification of public discourse, prepared by press development and the basis for a rise of the new generation of Muslim intellectuals who set the task concerned with Islam`s reformation.


civilizationalcommunity, confessional delimitation, reformism, Salafism, nation, progress, press 


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Publication date

Tuesday, 17 January 2017