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To the Issue of Legal Regulation of Family Relations Complicated with Foreign Element

Author (s)

Urunova Sanavbar Vakhobovna


The object of research deals with family-marital relations complicated with foreign element having place on the territory of Tajikistan. Proceeding from the norms of Tajikistan Republic home legislation, international agreements struck by the country, the author made an endeavour to figure out the issue related to a legal regulation of family relations complicated with foreign element. Analyzing the provisions of both national and international law sources she points out that at the modern stage of development of social relations national legislations differ greatly from one another in so far as legal regulation of family-marital relations complicated with foreign element is concerned; respectively, in practical aspect there exist many moments when rising collisions cause a necessity of option of a certain law order applicable to a concrete situation. Thus the author asserts that different collisional norms are elaborated for legal regulation of private legal relations of family-marital character and law bodies are obliged to properly apply them in the course of their activities.


collision, family relations, foreign element, international regulation, marital relations, collision linking, international private law, Family Code


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Publication date

Tuesday, 26 April 2016