The article dwells on the plight of technical agroservice of Tajikistan Republic in the period of state sovereignty establishment and transition to market relations. Impediments existing in the sphere in question are analyzed being the following ones: collapse of the system, unavailability of authentic information concerned with the plight of technical base, dealing with the enterprises rendering services and etc. Proceeding from the foreign states experience and present state of agrarian sector the author proposes a model of formation of a unified informational base in the system of technical agroservice of the country on various levels. The author considers that it is necessatry to create an informational portal of three levels in Tajikistan Republic which for a short time will render real help to economy holdings in obtaining real information about companies and private persons dealing with services to the agrarian sector.
agriculture, technical agroservice, state of technique utilization, market relations, enterprises of technical agroservice, unified informational base, levels of informational basis
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