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Emigration of Youth from Russia: Forms, Tendencies and Consequences

Author (s)

Ryazantsev Serghey Vassilyevich,Lukyanets Artyom Sergheyevich


Emigration from Russia acquired variegated forms; considerable scales being accompanied with stock exports, intellectual and business resources lost for the country. Education and labour migration are key channels of youth emigration from Russia. At the first glance both education and labour migrations seem to be temporary migration channels. But as practice manifests, these are education and labour migrations that turn afterwards into the channels of Russian adolescence` leaving for permanent residence in other countries. In the majority of accepting countries the requirement of legitimate sojourn on their territories for a certain period of time is one of the conditions concerned with an acquisition of a permanent status. As a rule, a period of studies at colleges and universities lasts several years. Into the bargain, during this time an immigrant familiarizes himself (herself) with culture, learns the language, acquires a specific accent. Availability of a document certifying gained education, knowledge of language and culture, incessant sojourn on the foreign state territory afford Russian citizens to challenge for the status of a residence of the accepting country. In so far as an assessment related to the influence of young people`s emigration upon social-economic and demographic process in Russia is concerned, the majority of scientists and experts converge in a unified opinion running to the effect that youth`s emigration to a permanent place of residence pertains to a negative phenomenon undermining demographic and social-economic security of the country. Against the background of demographic crisis a loss of educated population`s part being in active reproductive, able for labour age is non-compensatable for the country. Demographic losses are conveyed both through diminution of population`s numerosity and potential losses from a reduction of reproductive potential realization. In addition, decrease of young people`s numerosity entails also economic problems beset with a reduction of some segments of consumptive market, a market of educational services, tax entries and etc. Such social aspect as society is also worth mentioning because lack of young people among population if followed by a loss of social optimism and dynamics of development.


Russia, emigration, youth, temporal labour migration, education migration, migrational policy


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Publication date

Monday, 25 April 2016