The article touches on some issues related to insurance of effective organization of the courses of elevation of qualification for educators of the country to whom the following workers are referred: chiefs and teachers of pre-school establishments; directors, their deputies and teachers of comprehensive schools; leaders of pupils` organizations; inspectors and senior accountants of district and urban departments of education and schools. The author singles out necessary provisions which would ensure effectiveness of the courses in question, based on assessment and correlation of multitude of knowledge of both teachers and students; some problems whose solution would elevate effectiveness of courses conducted for educators being taken into account as well. Logical connection between the problems set is established. Such dialectical interconnection enabled to propose potential ways of solution in regard to the problems singled out; the formers may ensure an achievement of the effectiveness pursued. It is supposed that the main results expected to be received and the ways of their achievement used by the Republican Institute of Qualification Elevation and Retraining of the Workers of Education Sphere (RIQER WES) are quite applicable to QECs referring to other branches.
effectiveness, economy issues, organization of courses, elevation of qualification, educational institutions, multitude of students attending the courses, teacher
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