The article dwells on the state of the industrial outfits of the republic and the potentialities of their development. The author substantiates that one of the key factors of elevation of effectiveness in regard to the activities of industrial outfits under contemporary conditions is an attitude to the working staff and‚ training of highly-qualified specialists. In reference to it she proves the role and importance of the system of management with staff potential in a solution of the goals of economics transition to an industrial ground. Speaking about the role of an intellectual as a central figure in the innovational process‚ the author proposes forms and methods of improvement of knowledge management in the system of human resources potential. Proceeding from the analysis conducted the author singles out a number of factors determining the state of innovational sphere of contemporary Tajikistan and the problems of its development.
highly-qualified intellectuals‚ retraining‚ elevation of qualification‚ valuable-rational quality‚ personal value aims of one`s own‚‚ innovative activity
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