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The Thorny Way of Tajikistan Republic. The New Reality: Martyrdom of Sovereignty

Author (s)

Sh. M. Sultonov, S. Ya. Kobilova


The article dwells on the fates of union states of the multinational USSR in the early 90-ies of the century passed which  due to the concatenation of circumstances became independent sovereign countries. The authors keep to the opinion that in the tumultuous year of 1991 Tajikistan remained a solid and frank adherent of the USSR up  to the very last moment and the collapse of  the great power was  no choice of the republic. The way of Tajikistan under the conditions of the acquired independence turned out to have been extraordinarily complicated, thorny and catastrophic. In the authors` opinion,the tumults of that period were the tragedy of the entire region, all post-Soviet countries. The authors  consider the geopolitical interests of outward  gamesters in Central Asian region, they emphasize that Central Asia is looked upon by Russia as  an important zone of its geopolitical  interests as its stability means much for the national security of Russia itself.


sovereignty, anticommunism, occupation, opposition, civil war, fundamentalism, Islamization, political adventurism, Gorbachyov`s perestroyka period


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Publication date

Saturday, 14 November 2015