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Affection of Social Networks upon the Process of Political Socialization over Youth

Author (s)

Saidzoda Shukhrat Shukur


The author dwells on the role of social networks in the process of political socialization of youth. The author considers the essence and role of social networks under a formation of youth's political ideas and their political socialization. It is underscored that under the conditions of informational society the influence of mass media, especially those of Internet and social networks, over social-political life has been increasing constantly. Absence of restrictions in the freedom of word in social networks is one of the factors of attracting youth to Internet usage. Social networks have a considerable sway over the development of youth's political ideas and political socialization. Absence and low standard of culture by Internet use promote "brainwashing" of youth  on the part of extremic-religious organizations and non-rational use of Internet. Upon the whole utilization of social networks by citizens, and especially by youth, serves profitably for our society. It promotes elevation of civil education, political socialization of youth and intensification of the standard of population's civil activeness. At the end of the article the author expounds several suggestions for a rise of social networks role in the process of youth's political socialization.


social networks, political socialization of youth, electronic mass media, Tajik youth, political processes in society, extremistic and terroristic organizations 


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Publication date

Tuesday, 05 November 2019

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