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Financial Factors Hindering Economy Growth under Cyclical Fluctuations in Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Azizbayev Ravshan Abdurahmanovich


The article dwells on the factors negatively affecting economy growth in Tajikistan Republic. The author has investigated some circumstances hindering the process of economy growth as their study gives answers to numerous questions associated with the reasons of decay in the manufacturing sector of Tajikistan Republic economy. He calls certain factors and conditions exerting negative influence on economic evolution. Conclusions are made and suggestions are introduced as to a development of real and financial sectors of economy whose level is very low according to experienced experts’ estimations. The author expounds practical recommendations on overcoming the reasons negatively affecting economy growth. It is proved that if the problems in question are solved there will spring up potentialities for a provision of a more stable economy growth in the republic.


development of entrepreneurship, economy growth, tax charge, devaluation, Washington consensus, financial policy of International Currency Fund, monetization of economy, demand for money, valuable papers market


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Publication date

Monday, 22 April 2019