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Azimzoda A.Sh.


The article examines the need to reflect categories of land in the relevant documents - land cadastral, registration, in decisions on the provision of land plots and in title documents. At the same time, the recording of land categories in land cadastral documents comes to the fore, the accuracy of which determines the quality and reliability of determining land categories. A sequence of reflection of land categories in the relevant documents is proposed, while the primary source of information about land categories should be the information available in land cadastral documents. In order to obtain a more accurate description of land plots, it is necessary to introduce new technologies in the process of land cadastral work and describe the boundaries (characteristic turning points) of land plots with coordinates corresponding to the national coordinate system of the republic.


category of land, land cadastral work; information about the category of land in the relevant documents; coordinates; characteristic points


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Publication date

Tuesday, 25 June 2024