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Rizoqulov T.R., Azizboev R.A.


The article examines the experience of individual foreign countries in the formation of monetary policy regimes (MP) that contribute to the effectiveness of the choice of instruments and levers of influence of monetary policy on the economy as a whole. The conceptual apparatus of PrEP is analyzed. PrEP regimes in the USA, China, Singapore, and Japan have been studied, and their comparative analysis with the PrEP regime in Tajikistan has been carried out. The directions for using monetary policy are argued: targeting regime, manipulation of exchange rates, discount rates and regulation of inflation expectations. The features of the implementation of monetary policy in some CIS countries are considered: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The influence of interest rates on GDP and inflation in the considered countries has been studied.The content of the strategic goals of the monetary policy in individual CIS countries and Tajikistan is substantiated. Certain aspects of the implementation of monetary policy are substantiated, corresponding to the characteristics and priorities of the development of the national economy.


monetary policy, monetary policy regimes, targeting, monetary aggregates, discount rate, inflation expectations, foreign experience of monetary policy


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Publication date

Thursday, 09 January 2025